Canna-intolerant Sen Portman conflates Hemp & CBD w/ legalized MJ
Senator Rob Portman proves he's not willing to help hemp mitigate the opiate prescription OD death-gateway.
For Hemp History week, we wrote him specifically for the CBD Research Expansion act, a modest step toward justice in pain management, assigning a sensible schedule II for CBD that facilitates research. It's cosponsored by hard conservatives Grassley and Tillis (thought he'd be for it!). And asked him for the Industrial Hemp Farming act #s134 #vegislation to afford full farming rights, integral for crop diversity and land uses that protect the great lakes from excess Phosphorous fertilizer runoff.
Ohio is spending Millions on fertilizer management and a Billion on Opiate OD death. But he follows up with us with just a tragic form letter immaterial to each Point covered in our appeal :( Rubs it in with a "science is clear" statement, when what's clear is marijuana is not CBD and both are in the wrong schedule, so science isn't clear because schedule one hampers research!!
Our representative Marcia Fudge did this a long time ago. We wrote her for healthy hemp and she responded about justice in crack cocaine sentencing.
Dear Josh I hope things are good!!
I'd like to comment that Portman join this reasonable reform bill to codify a drug scheduling that allows robust cannabinoid research. Ohio companies provide CBD and its really helping people manage inflammation joint pain, anxiety, more than just seizures. A New store is opening in Willoughby will feature Kentucky CBD meds and its swanky and mainstream, premium vapors. Look them up, ill be catering thier opening and you are invited, very legit!!
Because CBD is palliative in pain management, its pertinent to make good on commitments re: opiate epidemic. Diversified treatment options belong, to not over-prescribe pain pills.…/index.cfm/press-releases…
Kentucky and Colorado REPUBLICANS are leaders for the research hemp farms and can be very proud of the socially redeeming benefits.
Can you get a position on this CBD scheduling? Also the Hemp farming act, S134? Hemp is good for the economy & land uses good favoring great lakes water quality. It won't mess up our phosphorus fertilizer runoff reduction goals!
Now With Senator Rob & the pelotonia bike ride, he should be talking about the CURES ACT, allocation of 1.4B to cancer research in Beau Bidens name. If that is not getting funded then I understand OSU James center may need to raise money, but its kinda frustrating that cancer research is so bloated with dollars, we have to ask if its at the expense of other vital social interests.
For ending cancer, Rob could join the Center for Science in the Public Interest, CSPI petition to label processed meats nitrates cancer spiking risk.…/cancer-warning-label-urged-processed-…
And he could work with the farm bureau to discontinue use of Round up, an herbicide which the WHO warned about and is cleared for inclusion on California EPA carcinogen hazard list. This would help the great lakes, as research of Ohio northern University indicated its speeding up leaching of phosphorus from the soil.
Article on that research:
Thats it for now!! I'm still supporting omega3 recipes and against Trans fats at it would be brain supportive for folks to overcome cardiovascular, mental health, and neuro degenerative diseases, and head trauma.
I hope you'll advise getting some of these research subjects before the right committees? It would be more meaningful than a symbolic bike ride
NON Position response Portman Emailed back:
Thank you for contacting my office to express your views on federal laws concerning marijuana consumption. It is good to hear from you.
While I recognize the state of Ohio’s decision to legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes, I have concerns about the legalization of marijuana and drugs more broadly. In particular, I am concerned that legalizing marijuana will lead to an increase in use among children and teenagers.
I share those concerns with doctors from the Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals and Metro Health who have opposed legalization, citing scientific evidence that marijuana use has harmful effects on the brains of teens and young adults. I understand that people have differing views on this issue, but the science is clear. I remain concerned about the message we send to young people when we legalize drugs, as well as the long-term effects.
I have worked for more than 20 years with a community anti-drug coalition focused on preventing drug abuse that can too often lead to addiction. In Cincinnati, I chaired the coalition for more than 9 years and evidence-based drug prevention is something I am passionate about, especially when it comes to young people.
I recognize the positive impact that drug prevention, treatment and recovery programs make in our communities across the nation. Improving and protecting the health of all Americans must be one of our country's top priorities, and as your Senator, I will continue to advocate for effective ways to prevent substance abuse and addiction in Ohio and beyond.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact my office on this issue. For more information, you can visit my website at
Please keep in touch.