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Disclosures to add to Meat packages in the marketplace

Meat Lovers may find it disconcerting their favorite foods are attributed to so many problems... yet HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. And arming people with the truth is the WAY to true freedom. A quality product could be judged by the following characteristics:

Manure Runoff from the Lagoons and Application of phosphorus fertilizer

Dung dust that migrated away from the feedlots and comprised environmental injustice to nearby communities.

Discharges of toxic water pollution from the slaughterhouse

Methane emitted

CO2 Emitted

Antibiotics wasted and cost of resistant infections.

Cropland, fertilizers and Agrichemcals used on feed crops

Cancer Hazard designation (at WHO ad IARC) for processed meats (Class 1) and Red meats (class 2)

Pain of animals due to slaughter and mutilation

confinement systems employed

Slaughterline speed and OXFAM declaration of concern for worker conditions at the slaughter plants

Dioxin and other fat-soluble pollution present

Cost of hospitalization related to slaughterhouse worker lacerations and depression

Cost of Toxic Algae blooms in response and lost economic activity due to strain on tourism

Cost in lost productivity due to Obesity and chronic illness

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