Avoiding Lead Sources Other than Paint & Shoe dirt
Steel is Emitting Large amounts of Lead & So are Jets Flying overhead. Folx near airports are at greater risk of having lead on their shoe dirt bcuz of LEADED AV-Gas! Airborne sources of Lead are extremely Troubling. At Least when its in an old house u can see the signs or paint chipping & act accordingly.
Lead Is Affecting Mental Health by attacking our neurological pathways. Mittal Steel plant in Burns Harbor IN, is a scourge of the Great Lakes, emitting a ton more Lead than any other point source. several fold more. Something HAS to be Done.
Brainfoodies Recommend Joining National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week #LPPW2020 to get ready to Resist these Lead Emissions
Arm Yourself w/ knowledge With these Primers:
Federal Aviation Administration FAA Factsheet on Leaded Jet Fuel, updated 11/20/2019 : https://bit.ly/2uOv3aJ
Scientific American Article 11/3/2012 "Does Continued use of Leaded Jet Fuel pose danger to Public Health" http://bit.ly/2xwY2Ni
Chicago Tribune 8/18 Report on Mittal Steel's Indiana Plant Largest Point Source Lead-emitter in the great lakes region BY FAR https://tinyurl.com/w2jvn3w
Making a difference with peoples movements in Cleveland FOR Lead-Safe Housing Advocacy https://www.ehw.org/
In an Era w/ so many Enviro Laws being breached, Governor Dewine won't come clean about Radioactive TENORMS: Radium Decay Prods found in gas-drilling waste brine based road deicer Aquasalina, applied by ODOT.
If they wont do anything about Roundup Chlorprifos, dicamba, sulfoxaflor NeoNics Atrezine #lead Arsenate Pesticides. Arsenic and Chlorine in poultry. Then at least Commit to Phasing Out Leaded Jet Fuel and Curtail + Regulate Mittal For LP.
Join our new Facebook group "LPPW Lead POisoning Prevention Ohio"