Ohio's "Brainfoodies for Hemp Rights" health blog supports a sustainable/Vegan response to Omega3 deficiency & Develops Advocacy materials for ECO-Foodies!
"For Green jobs we must UNITE, Enlist the Good Fats Vs Bad Fats FIGHT!"
Click an battlefront to get READY
Banned Partially Hydrogenated
oils re-emerging (illegally)
Stop Brine-Spreading
gas-drilling waste fluids
SHAME on Mittal Steel
& Leaded Jet Fuel
Email to PASTE. Appeal to freinds to back you up in LEGALIZING HEMP FARMING:
Hi Friend! I've supported Hemp for a long time. Now, we need healthy foods and non-toxic land uses more than ever, so I'm asking everyone to take a few minutes to contact your US Rep & Senators in DC to tell them we need them co-sponsoring the Industrial Hemp Farming Act. The Act will legalize growing this non-drug, superfood, renewable resource for commercial industrial use (not just research-purposes that is currently authorized in the Farm Bill). Passing the #Vegislation will remind Americans of the WONDER of HEMP: the seeds, oil, fiber, and new CBD medicines. It can keep people alive! Hempseed is one of the healthiest foods! Now's the time to speak up that we want Hemp in the economic revival. Help clear up stigma so more people feel comfortable using non-drug, healthy Hemp products. Can you call or email? Let congress know Sustainable farming & green jobs are a mainstream priority!! Nature needs us supporting non-polluting resources at this time. Side-stepping the issue is unacceptable and on par with ecological treason. Don't let our "Reps" off the hook, Make them take a position! We especially need to pick up support in the US Senate so tell US Senators to co-sponsor Bill S134. Why not make this a viral message and pass on. May People Power determine a better day! A cool group, Omega Fats Action has a newsletter for Hemp for Brainfood supporters. If you'd like to get involved, there are many ways outlined here http://bit.ly/1R4HGyQ
www.votehemp.com/takeaction is the link to spread for making those contacts with Congress. Call straight into the congress switchboard at 202-224-3121.
Facebook post to share:
Now's the time to Legalize Hemp in all 50 states! Federal Law has recklessly oppressed this crop that's good for us and the planet we share! Hempseed is a delightful super-food with brain-supportive Omega-3s and a bunch of protein density - all essential nutrients. I'm all for protecting the Small businesses and letting farmers return to traditional land uses without federal oppression. Tell your US Rep and Senators to co-sponsor The Industrial Hemp Farming Act! Hemp is not a drug and should not be criminalized in federal law like it is today. Here's our chance to secure civil-rights of all people, to pursue a non-violent, sustainable careers and a healthy agricultural way of life!! www.voteHemp.com/takeaction is the link to share & contact congress ASAP! The US Senate especially needs to hear about co-sponsoring S134!
ESSENTIAL STEPS FOR LEGALIZING ON FACEBOOK! Be THOROUGH. Don’t let people miss a chance to be part of progress. Nutritional wellness broaches the subject:
The following tasks build allies, which is essential!
Share OFAN MEMES! Earn major KARMA points for sending walls beyond your own! Copy nutritional wellness messages to groups pages (relate to subjects of group because there’s always a connection).
Invite friends to OFAN’s CONTACT CONGRESS EVENT to pressure congress on the Hemp Farming Act. RSVP here for CIVIL RIGHTS event! It only takes 5-10 Min to Click all the 500 people Facebook lets you invite. Clicking INVITE on this EVENT too, will generate into OBAMA for Medical marijuana rescheduling. These are easy ways to send a reminder that the revolution needs revolutionaries! Share the event to friends walls.
Click “Invite freinds to like” on OFAN’s Main Facebook www.facebook.com/OmegaFatsAction. Take the hour it might take to click all your friends.
MESSAGE PAGES. Some LIKE pages have the option to message the admins. Please share our memes gallery, an FB URL of a photo to share, etc with a personal note. Register with us before starting tho, contact OmegaFatsaction@gmail.com
SET UP A FACEBOOK GROUP to Serve your area. See what OFAN GROUP posts & Organizes around (make a club anyone can join!!) https://www.facebook.com/groups/453132658175108/
MENTION IT FREQUENTLY!! Our struggle belongs, but it's likely no one else is bringing it up. Present HEMP amongst the SOLUTIONS. Tell people to visit www.votehemp.com/takeaction to contact Representatives and Senators, or better yet CALL THEIR OFFICES during BIZ HOURS. Ask
Publish Brainfood Reminding & Hemp Legalizing Facebook NOTES with multi-media, memes, poems, cover-songs, original cheers, news and action reports. People can comment on NOTES!
Photo petition something sexy. In Nature and Use OFAN Hashtags
Share the riveting BrainFood Farmers advocate NEWSLETTER with this link http://bit.ly/1R4HGyQ detailing many ways to get involved outlined on this site, in a slick newsletter format