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Summer of Counter Demo @ Rib Fests

July 2023 Update We have Protested around 35 Rib fests in NE Ohio + surrounding areas.

including chicken wings fest in buffalo, NY and Hot Dogs in Niles Ohio.

Now honor Regan Russel, we warn about antibiotics overuse, manure deadzones, animal welfare, and engaged in crowded meat fest entrances

both foot traffic and car traffic focused.

akron we did for two days in this year

strongsville several hours on the last day,

parma for 45 minutes becuz we were in a bind to go...

Our Very Clean # HotDogCancerWarning Banner

Berea, Parma Strongsville: Cleveland's wave of rib fests starts early.

We missed willoughby and encoure you send complaints to Sponsores, Scene magazine and Elk And Elk!

In Parma, we were pushed off the right of way/sidewalk in front of Tri-C Campus, told it was private property! They offered to arrest me and I would have considered letting them had there been more witnesses. Basically we left fliers on cars and demostrated in front for a total of a few hours the first day. Day 2 we stayed closer to an intersection not directly in front of ribfest, the cops did not descend on me.

I'll never forget telling the cops “what are you doing to protect the great lake?” and her saying “everyday”. She called in reinforcements and they threatened to get me on parking in construction zone too even tho a lot of cars were in this blocked off strip of road.

In Berea, At Cuyahoga Fairgrounds, we could not get anyone to demonstrate, This was early summer. But I stood out alone at the entrance on the first night, with the hemp for protein not hot dogs banner.

In Strongsville, they have a 3 night fest. Two advocates demonstrated on the second night, people coming and going were friendly enough, accepting info and hearing plea for vegan proteins. this is a busy intersection with a mix of foot traffic. A Couple pics were tweeted out by partner network @AGProgressUSA pleading for manure mitigation. Strongsville is one of the most conservative areas still in cuyahoga county and we still have any civil interactions and got banners seen by hundreds of car. ONly a handful of negative comments yelled. Bannered for several hours. Got signs up, no complaints to law enforcement that we know of.

Columbus rib & jazz: Huge set up of rib trucks, stayed on and made allies, Stayed civil making some noticeable noise to a couple hundred folks, no one told me to scram.

Akron rib white and bluye July 4th: The main pro Hemp Protein activist in a sea of Akron youth. Not all seeking ribs. It's hard to get people to stop but we had steady quality interactions, exhausted keeping signs up, yelling, handing out seeds and stickers in personal speedy success. has some good exchanges warning about colon cancer and CAFOS hurting North Carolina and Iowa. We spent two evenings, around 8 hours at the entrance and also entered the fest to stand right next to the rib trucks with banners aimed at their line.

Akron hamburger fest. Very low attendance to event cuz of weather and poor promotion means not very much going on, We built bridges with Burger trucks after with free crunchy seed bags for them to try as bar too. Had help setting up, Much positive that we were there, and only promoted for a day or two, or else would have found more demonstrator.

Pittsburgh rib fest at Heinz field: got the parking area windshield about a third leafleted on the 2nd day. and incredible interection. great amount of people stopping concerned, inquisitive, expressing support, open to the benefits of eco foodie fat balance, taking seed samples & activating for Hemp in our agriculture.

Buffalo NY chicken-wings fest: LOW point in having NO advocates along to help!

I got hundreds of leaflets out on car widows, signs and stickers taped up in the area around the fest on last day. A couple hours out on the corner givin away seeds as people were leavng was time well spent.

We got out seeds in quality interactions. Most everyone stopping was a supporter :-)

Willoughby Scene whisky

WorldWater Day March 22 in DC appealing for Obama for pro-plant response to Omega3 needs.

Kent state Water research symposium: Two days we had demonstration zones on the right of way, engaging the public and attending a presentation on Phosphorus,

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